
Executive Directors

Stuart Queen

Stuart Queen

Chief Executive Officer

BCompt (Hons), CA (SA)


Stuart was appointed to the board on 21 June 2013. Prior to joining the Group he was chief executive officer of Seardel Investment Corporation Limited and held various directorships within both Hosken Consolidated Investments Limited and Seardel Investment Corporation. He is a member of the executive and risk committees.

Gys Wege

Gys Wege

Financial Director

BCompt (Hons), CA (SA)

Gys was appointed to the board as financial director on 21 June 2013. Prior to joining the board he served in various senior financial roles within the automotive logistics industry and was financial director of Seardel Investment Corporation Limited. He is a member of the executive, risk and social and ethics committees.

Non-Executive Directors

John Copelyn

John Copelyn


BA Hons, BProc

Johnny was appointed to the board on 10 October 2014. He joined Hosken Consolidated Investments as chief executive officer in 1997. Prior to this he was a member of parliament and general secretary of the Southern African Clothing and Textile Workers’ Union. He holds various directorships and is chairman of Tsogo Sun Holdings Limited, Niveus Investments Limited and eMedia Holdings Limited.

Dave Duncan

Dave Duncan



Dave was appointed to the board on 10 October 2014 as chief operating officer. His career includes more than 30 years experience in the manufacturing sector. He retired as an Executive Director on 15 December 2020, following which, he was appointed as a Non-Executive Director.

Kevin Govender

Kevin Govender


BCompt (Hons)
Kevin was appointed to the board on 10 October 2014. He joined Hosken Consolidated Investments Limited in 1997 and has been its chief financial officer since 2001. He holds various directorships within the HCI group of companies. He is currently also the acting chief executive officer of eMedia Holdings Limited.
Yunis Shaik

Yunis Shaik


Yunis was appointed to the board on 10 October 2014. Mr Shaik is an executive director of Hosken Consolidated Investments Limited. Prior to his appointment at HCI he was an attorney of the High Court and served as a senior commissioner to the CCMA in KwaZulu-Natal. He serves on the boards of Tsogo Sun Holdings Limited and Niveus Investments Limited.

Independent Non-Executive Directors

Koktsi Faith Mahloma

Mohamed Ahmed


Mohamed was appointed to the board and as lead independent non-executive director on 10 October 2014. He is a director of Montauk Holdings Limited, Hospitality Property Fund, HCI and Tsogo Sun Hotels Limited and previously held directorships in Seardel Investment Corporation Limited, MTN and Real Africa Holdings. He is the chairperson of the audit, risk, social and ethics and remuneration committees.
Naziema Jappie

Naziema Jappie


MSocSc, DipHE
Naziema was appointed to the board on 10 October 2014 and brings with her a distinguished and varied background in fields which includes, inter alia, management, education, labour law, conflict resolution and performance and project management. She is a non-executive director of Golden Arrow Bus Services and Montauk Energy. She has served as an executive director at the Durban University of Technology and Dean of Students at Wits University, and is currently the Director: Centre for Educational Testing for Access and Placement at University of Cape Town. Naziema was a member of the Institute of Directors SA and a member of the audit and risk committees.
Koktsi Faith Mahloma

Koktsi Faith Mahloma



Faith was appointed to the board on 20 May 2019. She served as a senior shop steward for 20 years until 2001; as an executive member of COSATU and vice president of SACTWU from 1987 to 2001; and as an executive member of the National Economic Development and Labour Council from 1997 to 2001. She has served as a director of Zenzeleni Clothing Proprietary Limited and HPL&R, a member of the Municipal Public Accounts Committee and the Germiston Pension Fund Committee. She resigned as a ward councillor in 2016 after serving for 10 years. She is a member of the audit, risk, social and ethics committees.